what is happening ah in this land of ours?
suddenly i feel so detached, so dis-connected to my homeland. it feels so so sad our priorities are all skewed. issues that we should be most concerned about, we tossed them aside, and we create chaos and deafening noises over the smallest of problems, just to distract ourselves from what is really happening out there. or are these all being done on purpose to fool us into even more complacency but are instead giving us even greater disgust?
why can't we be more civilized? or are we just not capable of telling less lies and more truths? we have come a long long way and we so very often boast of our eastern values to the outside world but yet, these we simply chuck out the window at the slightest need of convenience..
we say many many things, we make huge announcements and we publicize them so loudly so that the whole world can't help but hear us and think us so highly developed but yet, at the very next moment, we truly show ourselves for what we truly are.. that we are nothing..
suddenly, hawaii sounds like a mighty wonderful place to be..