wah liau eh...nowadays kids are so advanced...don't know what to say..sometimes i wonder if we should just forget all those pretenses about how great our eastern values are, how strict our religious morals are and just maybe pay a bit more attention to our young..or have we lost them altogether..
or could it be that we ourselves were also guilty of some of these misadventures, albeit in milder forms, when we were young that such activities do not really bring any element of surprise to us..or could this just be a reflection of our obsession with our earthly desires..hmmm..food for thought ya?..
FOR only RM5, a teenager gets to experience sex with his schoolmates. This was the shocking revelation recorded by counsellors who organised a youth camp for problematic secondary school students in Selangor recently.
In a front-page report in Metro Ahad, a 14-year-old student known as Andy admitted to paying RM5 'for a round of sex' with a senior at school. He said they would either 'do it' at his or her home.
He said both sets of parents were unaware of the activities as they thought the two were studying together and confessed that one of his friends would sometimes join them for a 'threesome'.
'I prefer to have group sex,' said the teenager, without any embarrassment.
He added: 'If I need sex, I only have to call or send her an SMS for an appointment.
'It all started when I began watching pornographic clips with my friend two years ago. Since then, my desire for sex had grown and when I knew that this girl in school did not mind doing it for a fee, I decided to try it with her.'
Another participant at the camp said she suffered from sex addiction after she was raped by her foster brother when she was 12.
The 14-year-old teenager, who wanted to be known only as Anita, said that she often had sex with her classmates and seniors.
'Last year, I had sex three times with two seniors from school. I wasn't afraid and I didn't care. What was important was that I enjoyed it and felt satisfied,' she said.
The last time she had sex was last month, when she had group sex with her friends.
Camp organising committee secretary Mahezan Baharom said the counsellors were shocked with how 'frank and candid' the students were about their sexual activities.
He said that apart from sex, the participants - aged between 13 and 15 - admitted to masturbating in a group, having multiple sex partners, consuming alcohol, glue sniffing, theft and smoking.
'Students who are involved in social ills or misfits do not only come from poor families,' he said.
'We have participants whose parents are well-to-do, VIPs and those whose mothers and fathers are religious people.'
do read the following comment by a reader to the above article posted in MT..i couldn't agree more..
written by Dog Sick, June 03, 2008 | 12:13:44
Shocking, yes. Immoral, perhaps. Illegal, I don't think so. In this new age and time where information travels at the blink of an idea (thank Najib for that phrase), we should realize that the children of today grow up much faster than during our time.
What is required is proper sex education among the youth. And this should not be an abstinence course (which has been proven not to work in the US). This should not also not be a religious course (where the Vatican still ban contraceptives until today). Neither should it be a moral course (what is morally wrong about doing the only thing that nature had created you for?).
The education should stress on the science and the psychology of sex. Participants should know that it has implications that reaches far beyond its fleeting orgasmic euphoria. Teens should be taught that it is a powerful force of nature and we respond not only physically but also psychologically to sex. They should also learn about the implications of sexual diseases and what they can do to prevent them.
Be honest here, how many of us have never experimented when we had raging hormones coursing through our veins when we were teenagers? From that experience, some of us had developed a greater understanding of its effects while others are still using their privates for brains.