Saturday, August 30, 2008
so sob..sob..ah..
saw this on I am Malaysian's blog site..dunno why hor, i just suddenly felt the need to put it up here also...
Thursday, August 28, 2008
block??..did u say block??

now...why would you want to go do something like that? you remember when as a kid, your dad said...no son..you cannot do this or that? and yet you found a way round it and did those things anyway. and got grounded for a whole week locked in your room, but yet you still managed to sneaked out through the window..
so you think this blocking business is gonna stop us from finding other ways to reach our desired destination? not gonna be easy, i tell you. we are very street smart and the more you try to stop us, the more we are gonna get on your nerves..

so, why do you want to waste your time playing this cat and mouse game with us? we are too good at it and i'm afraid you gonna end up losing this adventure game again and again and again. you see..we have had a whole generation of experience playing RPGs on our playstations and we have been rather good at applying them in real life. trust me..this is one matrix that you guys are gonna get completely lost and trapped in..
take it from us..just give up the game before you get totally embarassed by your low scores !!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
brand new dawn..
Sunday, August 24, 2008
i swear, this is so corny..but..
Saturday, August 23, 2008
price drop ah..?
so how? means i cannot get my car rebate liao ah? but price drop only 15 sen...and i still got one more rebate to claim wor..better go get money quick quick..
me wonder what's cooking up next..
maybe got even more delicious goodies coming..hmm

oh..by the way, so long no korean music liao..so here's one to keep you in a good mood..
me wonder what's cooking up next..
maybe got even more delicious goodies coming..hmm
oh..by the way, so long no korean music liao..so here's one to keep you in a good mood..
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
are we doing the gelek ah..?

but it looks like it may be a new sporting event..seeing the many spectators there and their frenzied flag-waving in support, it's definitely some kind of spectator sport..what's the name of this game ah?..so familiar...
hmm..if this was an olympic event, we might have earned our very first gold medal..!!
what a shame..me should write to the international olympic council to add this event in future olympics..
pic taken from mafrel website
meantime..you folks up there in permatang pauh...remember this date ah..

Friday, August 15, 2008
aiyoh..luckily month finish liao..
phew..hungry ghost month just ended. i always had this strange feeling that this month of the year is somewhat not just any festival. that for some reason, there is some truth to it, and that is, all the ghosts from the other world are let out to roam the earth and feast to their hearts content for one full month, all because of one saintly Mu Lian and his evil wicked mother. (see here..and here or here). But i think this urban legend has somehow evolved to become much more of a spiritual-cultural-scaring the shit out of kids and myself kind of event and excuses for dirty old men to salivate at half naked prancing lip-synchers on the getai stage than what it was originally intended for..

still, like i said, it does bring a spooky kind of feeling to one's daily outlook and activities during this month, exacerbated by stories about how some child had died hours after, when the parent had accidentally sat her down on the feasting table while busying with some joss-stick arranging for the King of Hades plus many many other horror stories whether real or exaggerated. so spooky that all auspicious occasions or any happy celebrations are kinda pushed aside for another time of the year, just so no ghost can come mess up any event. and i was really good this past month, to just stay home and not roam the streets at night looking for supper, just in case, i suddenly get "something" sharing my meal..
and by the way, why do they have to make him look so damn scary..? i'd like to think he might actually be a rather nice fella, helping those of us who have passed over, those who kinda missed the boat to heaven and somehow headed for hell, coming to terms with their new and not so pleasant abode for eternity. maybe he is the real party-man down there and not as nasty as he's made out to be. whatever it is, i make sure i nod my head with respect and say hello whenever i walk pass any big effigies of him staring down at me. perhaps i should have burned some paper disco music CDs for him and the inhabitants of hadesland to enjoy..maybe throw in one or two porno vcd for extra goodwill....hmmm...perhaps next year..

still, like i said, it does bring a spooky kind of feeling to one's daily outlook and activities during this month, exacerbated by stories about how some child had died hours after, when the parent had accidentally sat her down on the feasting table while busying with some joss-stick arranging for the King of Hades plus many many other horror stories whether real or exaggerated. so spooky that all auspicious occasions or any happy celebrations are kinda pushed aside for another time of the year, just so no ghost can come mess up any event. and i was really good this past month, to just stay home and not roam the streets at night looking for supper, just in case, i suddenly get "something" sharing my meal..
and by the way, why do they have to make him look so damn scary..? i'd like to think he might actually be a rather nice fella, helping those of us who have passed over, those who kinda missed the boat to heaven and somehow headed for hell, coming to terms with their new and not so pleasant abode for eternity. maybe he is the real party-man down there and not as nasty as he's made out to be. whatever it is, i make sure i nod my head with respect and say hello whenever i walk pass any big effigies of him staring down at me. perhaps i should have burned some paper disco music CDs for him and the inhabitants of hadesland to enjoy..maybe throw in one or two porno vcd for extra goodwill....hmmm...perhaps next year..
Friday, August 8, 2008
i look out the window..
and what do i see? just a miserable reflection of me...in ripples through rain-drop puddles collecting on the natural garden outside. a garden that never was intended but grew into one anyway. the wild ferns inter-twinning with wild grass and wild money plant. i sometimes wonder if i would just dry up like that puddle of rain water when the sun comes out, not leaving any traces of me in this existence or if i should just trickle down a leaf and hide inside some cool damp soil and remain comfortable for as long as i can. would my life be any different, i often wonder..
i sometimes see people marching down the streets, making statements, clenched fists stabbing at the air with shouts for freedom. for justice. and for truths. i see determined faces walking, with shared purposes and solidarities. and yet i see my own rain drop holding steadfastly and hiding away from the sun..
i see a mother nursing her child, oblivious to the stare of one pubescent fella walking by. she only knows what she knows best. to nurture and to nourish. to provide, for she hopes that her child will one day become a nation she can be proud of. i see a father toiling under the sun, carrying cruel weights on his shoulder, only to bring home a shrinking piece of paper that buys nothing much for the day except shattered dreams for his generation and the next.
but i see my days and the nights that come after one another mostly from the comfort of my sofa, constantly looking through that window only to reinforce my endless cycle of sun and rain. i wonder if this raindrop will ever find a needful seed. to help it bloom into the biggest flower there ever is. will it even roll down the drain, mixed into the streams to finally contribute to an ocean. or will it just evaporate without a trace under a blazing sun, and never have that chance to see a life that may just be filled with nothing but glory.
and so i continue to look out the window, hoping to see...perhaps a better reflections of me..
i sometimes see people marching down the streets, making statements, clenched fists stabbing at the air with shouts for freedom. for justice. and for truths. i see determined faces walking, with shared purposes and solidarities. and yet i see my own rain drop holding steadfastly and hiding away from the sun..
i see a mother nursing her child, oblivious to the stare of one pubescent fella walking by. she only knows what she knows best. to nurture and to nourish. to provide, for she hopes that her child will one day become a nation she can be proud of. i see a father toiling under the sun, carrying cruel weights on his shoulder, only to bring home a shrinking piece of paper that buys nothing much for the day except shattered dreams for his generation and the next.
but i see my days and the nights that come after one another mostly from the comfort of my sofa, constantly looking through that window only to reinforce my endless cycle of sun and rain. i wonder if this raindrop will ever find a needful seed. to help it bloom into the biggest flower there ever is. will it even roll down the drain, mixed into the streams to finally contribute to an ocean. or will it just evaporate without a trace under a blazing sun, and never have that chance to see a life that may just be filled with nothing but glory.
and so i continue to look out the window, hoping to see...perhaps a better reflections of me..
Thursday, August 7, 2008
me so tired..
have not been posting for a while now. why ah? basically, feeling so damn sien with all the nonsense out there lor. i thought that i could have some peace of mind by not buying any MSM newspapers and have been so good at doing this for more than a month now..but these filth still have a way of seeping through cyber-space. i am so disgusted i just wanna puke.
it is just so unbelievable that despite all the lies already known to all of us and the whole world, you are still desperately creating or allowing more lies and forcing us to swallow them. do you know that all these are poisoning our minds and even our next few generations will learn to become real good liars!! is that the kind of legacy you want to leave this country?
the whole world knows about this. so, just please stop. i never really need to like you nor have i ever disliked you for whatever reasons until lately. now you are making me hate you. and not only me, all my friends and families and their friends and families, think you are quite evil actually, a devil in disguise. pretending not to know when all the while you are probably scheming away. looking so innocently sweet in your public slumbers. perhaps you too are a victim of your own created circumstances and if that is the case, we beseech you to step aside, your gang and all, and to at least let honorable people take over.
i hope you will open up your heart and seek the truth within..
for the good of this country, for the good of its people, we beg you. do not force the people to condemn you until your dying days..
it is just so unbelievable that despite all the lies already known to all of us and the whole world, you are still desperately creating or allowing more lies and forcing us to swallow them. do you know that all these are poisoning our minds and even our next few generations will learn to become real good liars!! is that the kind of legacy you want to leave this country?
the whole world knows about this. so, just please stop. i never really need to like you nor have i ever disliked you for whatever reasons until lately. now you are making me hate you. and not only me, all my friends and families and their friends and families, think you are quite evil actually, a devil in disguise. pretending not to know when all the while you are probably scheming away. looking so innocently sweet in your public slumbers. perhaps you too are a victim of your own created circumstances and if that is the case, we beseech you to step aside, your gang and all, and to at least let honorable people take over.
i hope you will open up your heart and seek the truth within..
for the good of this country, for the good of its people, we beg you. do not force the people to condemn you until your dying days..
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