just added these two gadgets to my collections..so happy ah...
i know, i know..you gonna say, hey, this phone so outdated already but looking at the specifications, it's really still quite technologically advanced, and plus i like the RAZR slim feel..and it came at a very good price (RM520 for a new set - not bad eh..?)..so who says nice things have to be expensive? you just have to wait a little while for the price to drop..haha

This other gadget has been keeping me busy night after night. i am developing dark rings around my eyes from staying up late playing virtual tennis !! don't really care too much about the music or wifi functions on this PSP but the games ROCK..!! i just have to connect it to my mini boom-box speakers and i'd have the courts of Wimbledon in my room..woohoo!!
got a total of 14 games installed on my 8Gs...so this baby will keep me occupied for a while..