had a whirlwind tour of twitter sphere the past couple of days...woooeeeeee...dangerously funny place to be, especially if one is being used as a hashtag...and the language, i get lost so often in translation..had to constantly ask a friend to help out. hey, what to do? before twitter, all i ever knew about was this tweet2..tweet2 smssss...s tone on my mobile...haha
and i think it's kinda safer for me to crap my stuff here in my blog. at least i still have control over the comments coming in...i have the power to moderate!!..i dont like what you say, i delete..hahahaha plus i have time to churn out my rubbish, i can get a bit more personal with my stories and i can say a lot more without being limited to a number of characters. and if i just puke totally crap, i just have to delete it without publishing. over in twitter sphere, it's 200km/hr speed typing, reading and continuous assault on the senses...just like your first "hand" experience at 12 years old with the bunny magazine..remember? and when u spill out your stuff for the whole world to see, kinda difficult to take it all back right?...hahaha