a lot of us lead quite comfortable lives really and some of us even lead excessively extravagant lives and would have thought nothing of splashing a couple of hundred of ringgit on things that we might not really need. i know there are a lot of people in need out there. a lot of children and poor people roaming the streets at night, foraging for food or in seek of shelter and i know there are also a lot of NGOs out there and social support organisations already taking care of these people. But even so, these organisations need all the funds they can get to keep their support activities running smoothly.
so..if some of us could just put aside a little bit of money every month towards an insurance policy, some kids or old folks out there could just benefit in the event that we pass on suddenly..
...so, for maybe a RM10K policy, might just be peanuts that you have to fork out for the monthly premiums. and RM10K may not be much, but collectively, it may create some meaning for these organisations, what do you think? and i'm sure you would have bought million dollar policies to provide for your immediate families already, so what's another 10K ya? plus, nowadays we get free PA coverage from our credit card companies and a whole lot of other institutions..so those could actually be used to benefit the poor..at no costs to us anyway, just make sure you mention who your benefactor is..
so, would you consider spending a few ringgit a month for such a policy? please check with your own insurance companies if they can do this for you, tell them you want to list out such and such an organisation as the beneficiary...i know you have a beautiful heart in there, do please share it..
p/s: i have done it..would you share your love too?