..me so happy ah..hehe
i chanced upon this little cafe last night after taking my picky sports for a bath..decided to walk in to try something even though i already had my dinner..i told myself i should not even think about eating but their food pictures on the wall looked so good, i just had to try..
a quick glance at their menu showed quite an extensive range, both local & western. i noticed a few people at the tables eating away happily..and most were having

some chicken or steak meals..hmm those must be good. i decided to try something local instead..so i ordered their sambal lou shee fun..took one chopstickful and i was in sambal heaven already...so goooooood..never had such nice lou shee fun before. now i just cant wait to try out all their other dishes on the menu...wheeeeee...
this little cafe is located near the burger king/shell station..a small little cozy cafe with really nice food.. makes me happy when people serve nice foods..hehe
i went back to the happy cafe again last night as i wanted try their other dishes. one look on their wall poster and i decided to order the butter mantis prawn rice..it looked so good i could just eat the poster..hehe

the real thing that came was even better..i just couldnt believe it..!! how can something that taste so nice and so presentable escape me all these years of scouring for food in this small neighbourhood..aiyooo?? looks like i'm gonna be eating there every single day of this year...wheeeeeeee

another update:
i went for another meal at happy village cafe...hehe..bumped into the chef/owner as she came out of the kitchen f

or a drink. complimented her on her cooking..but she cautioned that some times she goes on holidays and some assistants take over the cooking (hmm..meaning, may not taste as nice..)
see this awesome cantonese fried ying-yong. nice..very nice. the texture was just perfect, starchy enough..not like those watered-down versions served at other places..