yeah..u heard me right !! the wholesome goodness of real home-cooked food. a kind of rarity nowadays when every eatery out there, plus some too busy-to-cook mothers who leave the cooking to their maids, throw up what appears like tasty looking meals but are so heavily laced with chemicals instead..haha (means got plentiful ajionomoto added lo..).
in contrast, let me tell you a bit about those dishes that come with just the right amount of ingredients, the right balance in aroma, taste & texture, and not forgetting the whole-hearted effort plus hours of preparation, that go into bringing them to fruition and wah laaah, you get the kind of meal that really beats all diet programs.. means you just want to throw any thoughts of dieting out the window and gorge yourself silly on the food like there's no tomorrow..but one that is so much more healthier than what one can buy outside or those that come with added foreign flavors...hehehe
i met this really wonderful lady a while back, an aunt of a good friend of mine, who's just so into creating simple & wonderful dishes that can rival the best that any restaurants can i wish i had taken more pictures of her creations on previous invites but i suppose, when i saw them food laid out on the table, my camera just went out the window instead as i laid my hands on those mouth-watering lol
well, this last in

vite, i had the mind to quickly snap a photo before everyone attacked the food..hahaha
i had on previous occasions suggested to her to open a restaurant or cafe as i truly believe she can really do brisk business, but on the other hand, come to think of it, good food like these should perhaps be known only to a few select people, to savor, to indulge in and to bring joy to... and i think she does that rather extremely well for all her family, relatives & friends... and i am so honored to have had a couple of those opportunities to share in them..

p/s:.. and oh, she plays a mean game of gin-rummy too...