...a buaya by the river..haha lol
but it turned out to be a large monitor lizard surfacing from the river looking for food...hmm i didnt know monitor lizards swim..eeks, maybe it was a crocodile after all.. but anyhoo..this post's not about that lizard or buaya..
it's about a little weekend sojourn up to kuala selangor for a little R & R.. meaning rest & eat like nobody's business lo..it was a nice long drive up there and the next day a short brisk drive back..why leh? because we used our GPS to get there but used the shorter trunk road back going by roadsigns..haha
err..does this fella look like a buaya? ..maybe not but i wouldnt go near him anyway..
how much more rural can this get ? ..
with days spent playing mahjong with your buddies al fresco style..
or drinking fresh coconut water on a hot humid day..what else can one ask for..
and they even got monkeys by the hundreds up on a hill too for entertainment..
.. this is where we went makan .. well..err..actually, we ate at the place where i stood to take this pic, so this one is another seafoodie place next door...hehe
i got no words to describe this dish..just fabulously tasty.. creamy butter fried crabs..
and eaten with this fabulously fried man-tou, you could just swipe off every little bit of that creamy butter sauce..
this is some funny looking siput..i really dont know what it's called but it was nice as long as you dont accidentally swallow the shell coz that would feel like having a tiny blade down your throat...
this was marmite chicken? (i'm just guessing..) but it was wonderfully well done with just the right amount of sweetness...and i thot my only chicken meal has to come from popeye..
another crab dish.."kum-heong" style..the crab had quite a bit of roe and the meat was truly fresh..like it just jumped out of the river and landed in the cooking wok..
oooo...my favorite, salted egg mantis prawn..so sinfully nice.. hehe
this one i no like..why leh? because 1) it's steamed..dont like steamed stuff.. 2) the shells are intact...!! too lazy to peel them and 3) coriander and ginger i totally hate...eeeeks !! hahaha
this one again, not in my books but i suppose it was nice coz the fish was really fresh, and most important had no fishy smell plus no irritating small bones to remove from your mouth while eating the meat..

hmmm...this one supposed to be their "chew-phai" dish...oyster omelete
..but came out looking like a pancake..this one didnt pass, means fail
lor...haha. taste-wise was kind of so so only..
..and finally, our obligatory vegetable...which was kind of totally forgettable.. i suppose, seafood restaurants dont really care two hoots about serving nice veges..
luckily this dish came out to save my day after all those steam steam stuff...crispy fried sotong..nice :O)
all those ten dishes, with rice, water, a couple of beers etc etc..came out to about rm 300.00 !! and the eight of us ate until we could not eat any more.. so cheap...........!!
and oh...i should mention that we stayed at this place called the zande motel..rooms were really nice and clean and costs us rm 165 in total for 3 rooms for one night.. aiyoh..if i move there, i surely can live like a king..
p/s: the seafood restaurant is called riverview..very famous one..every tourist go kuala selangor sure end up eating there one..hehe