Doctors not allowed to dispense medications...soon?? "The Rx Issue" (NST 29/03/2008)
OMG, that was my reaction when I saw the front page news this morning. And I just so hate it when it appears to be pushed down our throats yet again. It is just a case of purely economics in my opinion, everyone wanting a bigger share of the pie. Let's just all come right out and admit it. I seriously do not think it is being planned with the benefit of patients/consumers in mind. To say that the consumer gets costs savings is such a lame excuse. If it was, why do the many many pharmacies continue to dispense ALL medicines, whether original or generics, with or without prescriptions and not exactly very cheaply either? I know my own Pharmacist will always leave the decision to me on whether I want the original or generic brand or whether I should go consult my Doctor first. On the other hand, if I have the experience of feeling over-charged by any doctor for treatment and medication, then I can just go choose another. At the end of the day, it's just not about consultation or medication, it is all about how concerned my Doctor is for my condition, how well he makes the diagnosis and how well he treats me, and I like getting it all done in one place. Having said that, however, I also strongly believe all the GP clinics should make efforts to educate their patients thoroughly and ensure that all medications are also labeled with the drug names. If a doctor can provide counseling on health-care needs/changes, I can't believe that they do not have the knowledge to explain on drug usage to the patients. I had thought that all medical schools teach doctors to provide holistic care..(aiyoh..all the information is available anyway on all drug package inserts - the doctor just needs to read them and explain them in layman's term). It is so silly to say that only Pharmacists can advise the patients thoroughly on the proper usage of medicines prescribed as I don't see any pharmacists going on rounds in any of the government or private hospitals thoroughly advising patients on how to take their medicines or for that matter at the prescription counters of most government or private hospitals...other than the usual.."makcik, ini ubat ambil satu biji, tiga kali sehari ya?"
As a consumer, I seriously do not wish to run around looking for a Pharmacy that is still open at 11pm at night after having seen a doctor to get my medications. I go to see the Pharmacist and then gets recommended a cheaper brand but because I tend to have more faith in my family doctor, I would have to call him up to ask if that is alright and that would probably be around midnight already. I mean, can you guys picture the unnecessary hassles? I am paying money for consultations and treatment on the spot and I expect to get that on the spot. If I wanted a separation of duties, then I would choose to go to a hospital but for which I seriously doubt I would get any better prescription advice at 11pm from the "pegawai farmasi" at the hospital. So, please, I would appreciate if the authorities would just lay-off and allow me to choose who or where I want to get my medication from unless the government wants to pay for them. I also do not think my friend will take lightly to such an arrangement either as he has to bring his paraplegic father who happens to be also a diabetic and hypertensive patient to see his family doctor and then be told that he has to carry and fold-unfold the wheelchair into his car to bring his father to the pharmacist for "better advice" on his medication.
Can you guys for once not think of how to "screw" us everyday people by thinking of ways and means to legitimize your so-called care for the society but are actually ripping us off instead? And to quote varying levels of success in those countries as a reason for pushing such a regulation through just isn't enough. The present system has served us well...leave it alone.
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