If anyone of us has been following the news lately or to be more politically correct nowadays, the blogs, about the state of our current political scenario in the country, it can be a wee bit unsettling. So many write-ups about anything remotely connected to the government or the opposition or is it the other way around now, and so many view points espoused by various people, so many actions or inactions being taken, a lot of tit for tats being witnessed, it's getting quite comically unsettling actually. So many spins to a simple story or event. So many things said in the press and unsaid by the blogs, claiming to be said by someone who is said not to have said anything of that sort but which got said anyway.
Like..is he coming or is he going?..and everybody's talking all at the same time. Oh man, it can be really confusing for any layman who's main concern would be what he can put on the dinner table for his family day after day after day, and not who's gonna be the next "you know who" just because somebody says so based on that fella's "you know what" connection to the recommended "you know who"..but then they still don't know when..you know what I mean?
hmm...maybe it's time to pay attention to where I could find the nicest "you know what" in town..which sounds more exciting to me anyway..

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