after a brief spurt of furious activities, business seems to have suddenly quieten down. and it's not just my own but the surrounding commercial entities here appear to have lost their usual zing..the kopi-tiams are not so crowded, the char koay teow lady has decided to take an early CNY break, the indian newspaper vendor has shifted some where else and i now find easy parking suddenly when previously i have had to play hide and seek (as in quickly step on the accelerator to stake my claim) to get a parking lot...
i see more people going to the pharmacies as compared to clinics, even the road-side medicine man appears to be doing brisk business, i see longer queues at the hypermarket with people pilling up on essential foodies only. strange but despite the cheaper petrol prices, i dont see the usual heavy traffic at the stations and i dont know if i am just imagining it but long hair seems to have come back in fashion this week. and chinese new year is but a couple of weeks away and still the mood is not quite like in previous years...
oh dear...time i stock up on instant noodles...

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