..i'm still waiting ahhhhhhhh...it's tuesday already. the agent just called and said that my car needs to go for inspection since it is a CBU (completely built-up unit)..and i'm like WT* !! it's an imported car of extremely reputable quality (ok ok..i'm exaggerating a bit here but you know what i mean..but hey that's what all the reviews say so far ok?), with 5-star NCAA ratings or Euro whatever ratings some more and yet, they want to send my car to Puspakom for inspection?? eh hullo..............this car already running on the roads of America and Europe and if they feel is good enough for them, is definitely good enough for me leh !!..plus anything korean is my kimchi...comprendo?? you see Rain in Ninja Assassin, awesome right? if cicakman can impress me all the same, then i keep my mouth shut !!
plus they say since it's a CBU, they need me to personally go to JPJ to show my face because of some AP requirement or whatever..yadda, yadda, yadda..,otherwise, i need to pay an additional RM150 to the runner to do it for me..!! if i'm a potential foreign investor looking to buy a multi-million ringgit property and you create all these unnecessary bureaucratic hassles (or is it only because i need to feed some poor fella along the way kah?), you think i want to still put my money here ah??
Eh by the way..if i go to JPJ hor, who gonna take care of my shop, you tell me lah?? niamah....
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