so hor, i took my poohki sportz koup out for a spin with a friend yesterday and we decided to visit a very exclusive enclave in bangsar (dont play2 ok..) for dinner..we drove up, down, in out the car park in slo-mo fashion so everyone could go gaga but actually we could not find a parking space lah..and you know hor, every lot was taken up either by a mercedes, bmw, lexus, mini coopers and cars that i dont even know the names of..wah wee..luckily hor, got one nepali guard so enamoured with ahpooki's sporty koup that he decided to let me park at the valet parking spot..right at the front porch of the entrance to the shopping centre...and of coz, ahpooki's sporty koup got all the attention it deserves lo..kekekeke
anyway, we walked walked a bit and pretended like we were some rich folks out for a casual shopping spree...looking at abstract art pieces in a gallery, checking out branded goods that we never even heard of and passed little remarks like.."Ooo..that's cheap.." and then we got tired of pretending and decided we should go eat something..trying to "live" that stiff upper life can be so tiring and famishing..hahaha
we saw one very expensive looking japanese restaurant and was about to walk in but decided against it when we saw a note on the glass door that said, "rest assured our fish come from everywhere else but fukushima"....aiyoh, i thought, hmm, i dont know but that did not sound too reassuring coz fukushima has the nicest & freshest fish in the whole wide world, no? anyway, we decided on a chinese restaurant instead...
first up was this appetiser..

i had thought it was a plate of freshly cut grass (mana tahu kan, maybe eating grass is the in-thing to do nowadays..)..but it's actually shredded seaweed with chicken meat floss..the slightly sweet crunchy crispy seaweed combined rather well with the salty floss ....except, we were a bit too hill-billy so could not eat politely and left most of them seaweed splattered, to which we quickly brush off the table so nobody would notice..hehehe
then came these entrees...

this one was really nice, fresh squid with bits & pieces of spice/herbs & whatever..of course anything deep fried is nice to me..

we did not like this one. supposed to be bak-choy from hong kong..hmmm..found it way too dry (maybe it was preserved bak-choy..hehe) but we pretended like it was some haute cuisine and made some approving nods as the waitresses walked by..

my friend ordered this and i was like...eeeeeeww..ribs..eeeeks. i was forced to take a bite and later that night as i said a prayer before i slept, i asked for forgiveness from miss piggy..

now, this one i like...3 combination steamed eggs..i think it was duck egg, chicken egg and century egg..this one my friend did not like.. told me how century eggs are made...that is by mixing chicken poop with the yolk..that's why the color looks like shit !! was nice tasting poop anyway..hahahaha
so..our adventure was soon over and we were rm 106 poorer after that meal..we could not finish the food and asked for a doggy friend's mom was one happy dog that night...kakakakakakaka..
and now it's back to yum2 instant noodle days for ahpooki...wheeeeeeeee
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