got things to sort out..will be back, hopefully soon..
and the good news is i won RM 800 betting on a single number (18) at a roulette table. my only attempt at a table on the second day and my one and only bet on that day..sekali the number came out, i grabbed my money and walked straight out of the casino..wheeeeeeeeeee...
and of course with that winning, i had to belanja my friends all go makan and watch movie lo..and we decided to go see Nasi Lemak 2.0, a movie directed, co-written, and acted by our "infamous" local boy.. namewee....wahlao eh..i thought i was gonna die laughing from beginning to the end of the movie...granted there were a few scenes i didn't quite get or understand, i just laughed because everyone else was cracking up !! on the whole, it was really really boisterously good.. for a first timer at acting and directing..namewee is talented..
a lot of stereotypes were depicted but in a most hilarious way and i don't think anyone of us was offended in that cinema..i saw a mixture of audience, although the majority number of patrons were malaysian chinese..but everyone laughed like mad throughout the movie..i think we all saw the funny side of "us" in that movie.. :O)
i especially loved the curry neh dancing scene, it was so bollywood but yet the song was sung in chinese..and that part about people hiding behind trees & bushes was really steroetypically hilarious..david arumugam's face alone in that scene really cracked me up..and all the acting was quite natural..not bad really.. everyone should go see it..
and i think the language/dialects that are spoken in the movie is rather original..people actually do talk like that out there.. if we only really stop to listen..and i think if we could all take time out to laugh at ourselves once in a while, this country might just be a happier place for everyone of us..
and so after a good laugh and a happy time in genting, it was back to our normal grind again in KL..