it's been a great many years since i last visited that place and much has changed since then..for one, melaka raya area seems a little bit bigger than previously, a lot more busier than previously and the people much much more than previously...
but it was a leisurely trip for the bunch of just play tourists but of course we avoided those obviously touristy sites like a-famosa lah, the stadhuys lah etc..etc.., and instead just went walk2, cari makan, in curi2 malaysia...and i tell you, i have never seen such a huge underground shopping complex as i saw in the dataran pahlawan under-field complex.. many shops, so little time, so so tired from the daily walks in air-conditioned comfort...hahahaa..
but for this post, i just wanna tell you about my discovery of this little art cafe in jonker's walk area..i'm pretty sure it's already famous without the need for me to rave about it...anyway, it was the highlight of our visit to melaka..

one of us ordered this somewhat normal looking nasi lemak, although it came with yellow rice (? nasi kunyit..) but i took a spoonful and found it rather tasty despite its plain looks..

this samosa & springroll combo was simple & nice too..crispy on the outside, fresh fillings on the inside..

this is what they are famous for !! i had the ice blended local coffee mix..i SB or CB any time..

...this is the cafe lo..from the outside..

...and this is how it looks on the insides..nice & cosy, a cool atmosphere for the always hot melaka weather !!
so..if you ever thought about making a visit to melaka, this place is good enough a reason for you to make that visit..the place is called calanthe art cafe.. :O)
...on a side note..see these people queuing up to go into the coffee shop ? it's supposedly one of melaka's famous chicken rice balls outlets....hmmm..the weather was too hot for us to join in the silly queue...maybe next time..

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