i found this place by chance actually while i was going up an escalator with a friend at the pavillion shopping centre yesterday..suddenly, there was this little sign board that screamed out at me.!! come get the best tacos, nachos & other mexican spread - at Popilla !! and then it was a good 10 minutes of frantic, heart palpitating excitement verging on disappointment, searching all over for that outlet at the lower ground food court area...and just when i was about to give up..wah lah !!..like magic, the stall suddenly appeared right in front of me..

this is THE place that brought back memories of a place long gone..almost cried when i saw it..hahahaha (ok..ok..granted this was nowhere near the likeness of Taco Bell, but it was very very close enough...)

ok..well..these fellas dont quite look like mexican amigos but they can sure serve up some really nice mexican feast in a jiffy, like speedy gonzales.. yibba..yibba...andale..!!

and this folks !!..this is the one thing that has been missing from my life for over the last ten years !! i kissed the ground & praised the lord for bringing me my kind of nachos !! just you look at those melted cheddar cheese...wheeeeeeeeeeeelelujah...!!

the above plus a drink of pina colada for only rm 12.40..!! unbelievable...
i was in no mood to share with anyone, i had to eat them all, every little bit of it, almost licked the paper wrapper too..at that moment in time, it was just me and my tacos & nachos and nothing else would have mattered... and they were all mine, mine, mine mine...huargghhhh !!
so now..i'm drawing up my next few sunday trips to Popilla to savor their echiladas, burritos..etc..etc..
i podía comer aquí para siempre....
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