was walking around sunway pyramid yesterday because i had to satisfy this huge craving for something and then decided to try out this eating place while waiting for my something to be prepared..the place was kinda crowded, so i thought, must be okay one lo.. mana tahu..

err..this was supposed to be squid lo..tasted flat. the breaded crumbs used not so appropriate lo..like eating those locally made frozen fried sotong like that..luckily not taste like rubber lo..

err...another flat tasting dish, chicken fried rice..i always thought japanese fried rice supposed to be extremely tasty one but this one like my coffee shop fella cook one lo..totally no salt, no aroma..haih..

supposed to be ebi tempura but what i tasted was tepung tempura only ..luckily the prawn no boric acid taste..otherwise, epic fail lo..

my friend ordered this chicken teppanyaki but i think i can make nicer teppanyaki. this one was more like salt-free stir-fried taugeh & cabbage only..the teppanyaki outlet at the pavillion food court is still the best lo..
it seems like everyone's getting into the food industry nowadays..hmm, i think i can open up shop also lo like that, going by the quality of food dished out by some people out there....haih..
nevermind, fortunately hor, my excitement yesterday came from elsewhere....right after that meal, i quickly quickly rushed up to get my "something" lo.. wheeeeeeeeeeeee
ladies & gentlemen, i present to y

BLACKBERRY Bold 3 (9780) !! hehehehehe.. i was using the BB Curve 3G 9300 model for a few months and kinda liking it more and more each day lo.. and i've been biting my nails anxiously waiting for the BB 9900 to be launched but it seems like that is like taking forever and i've got no more nails left on my fingers ah !!..so i really had to go out there and get this one to tie me over for the time being ..or at least until the dusts are settled on the 9900 lo, it being a new OS7 and yada yada yada..and probably gonna be so so expensive when launched anyway..so it'll probably be like a year or so down the road before i think about getting the 9900 lo.. (hmm..but that's what i said when i bought the 9300 4 months ago ..aiyooo..like so deja vu like that eh? ..hehe)
dont get me wrong though, i still get heaps and heaps of fun with my HTC Incredible S but that one's a totally different ball game lo.. but for twitter, bbm, whatapps, emails, nothing beats my blackberry (for now..)...!! hehehehe..