the one that i sent a paper crane to the last time when she was still here in the physical sense...yeah2, that one..
it was around 3am when i saw her floatingly approaching my bed (how come i could see her when i'm all covered under my comforter?? do i have special see-thru eyes..hmmm), she tugged at and pulled down my comforter a bit and then went ....
..BOO !!
i wasnt scared used to these other worldly visits i actually strained open my left eye to look at her, just to confirm it's my aunt and not somebody else who might have gotten the wrong address..luckily hor, i wasnt malu only if i was...kakakakakaka
it was her alright...and i said to her..aiyooo, we all miss you so much you know..and she just decided to float away, i think she no believe me lo..haih, next time hor, i shall make ready a pot of tea and invite her to stay for a longer chat..
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