woot2..finally managed to trap mommy lizard in this contraption used for trapping cockroaches..we've had to use Jacob's Zero Cholesterol, High Calcium crackers topped with Low Fat Australian margerine as bait because we've tried many other bits and pieces of food and mommy just did not take the bite..!! i think she must be one of those new age health conscious lizzie..kekekeke

see mommy peeking up to see who so brave to go and trap her like that..

no place to run eh...? hehehehehe
so now..what do i do with a trapped lizzie? shall i toast it with marshmallow ? or shall i just boil mommy lizzie to death...huarrgghhhhh!! so cruel me..yeah !!
actually no lah, i will just take the whole cockroach trap and dump it in the big rubbish bin nearby...and give mommy lizzie a second chance at life elsewhere...away from my pantry.. but if she ever comes back, i'm gonna make sushi rolls out of her...kakakakaka :OP
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