that somehow came across my mind while watching this movie, when britt and kato were having massive fist fights over leonore in one scene..were they really fighting over her or was it a case of over-platonic jealousy? (whatever that means..haha) or when britt was knocked out for 11 days by kato's sleep pellet gun, and britt awoke later to ask if kato had put diapers on him..hmm, anyhow, it was a silly movie, but one that was simultaneously quite funny and entertaining .. the lines were not really smooth at times and one could hardly decipher what kato said most of the time, he did however steal the scene with his presence everytime (talk about someone having a real screen presence, wow..!! hollywood should come a-begging soon i think)..but nevertheless, the chemistry was definitely there between these two leads, the actions were funny and explosive, and the bad guys were truly cartoonish, if not outright silly.. so if you are not having too high of an expectation, this movie should be entertaining enough and worth the price of the ticket.
this is truly one strange superhero/sidekick movie..i had fun watching it..sort of..hmmm
Never thought i would get one, but one i did get, after all those taunts from friends who are die-hard berry users...i just had to see for myself what all the fuss was about..hmmm
...and my conclusion's actually quite much ado about nothing..nothing as when compared to my HTC Desire HD running on android 2.2 (woot2 !! wheeeeeee...)..okok, maybe it's rather efficient at running those instant messaging apps especially with the rather functional qwerty keypad..but that's about it. i cant play my angry bird on it, i cant watch a movie on a full panoramic 4.3 inch screen, i cant pinch or separate the screen to enlarge the views and i cant download those nice & wonderful apps freely coz it's only got 256MB memory..aiyoo..and what a blackberry can do, i can also do on my HTC, plus much much more...
so, unless i am some big hot shot businessman who just needs to get alerts from his e-mails like every other second, i might not really need a nowadays, still got people use e-mails one meh?? pfft...kakakakka !!
P/S : the above represents the personal views of the writer and is not meant to offend any bb crazies out there..hahahaha
p/s again: after having used my BB Curve 9300 3G over the last one month, i'm beginning to like it. i am finding myself using my bb more and more and neglecting my htc..huhuhu, mostly becoz i use the messaging bit mostly and my angry bird, i oredi finished the game wokay, i take my not so pleasant initial review on my bb back & slapped myself 20 times ady..hehe
...had one of my other-worldly rendezvous again last night..!!
again, a big party. wah liao, it seems like it's party all the time there many people, both dead and alive..looked like a disco party and dad was taking centre stage this time, strutting like travolta..
then it appeared that we were all stuck inside a cave, just like the wild dancing scene in matrix revolutions..and then all of a sudden, everyone was running to get out of the cave, like an escape to somewhere...a light coming through a small opening in the far wall, big enough to squeeze through. but as we appeared one by one into the light, i could see that those who were not of the "flesh" just erupted spontaneously into flames and ashes flew & drifted into the light...then i woke up in the middle of the night sweating like a naked pig in a freezing i decided to sleep with the light on thereafter..and woke up this morning feeling totally exhausted..
all this has to mean something..why is it always a gathering of some sort? always like a party..and always, a mixture of people, dead & alive..but nobody talks..why? what's the message?? why the similar scene again and again..
on a more fun note..i just traded-in my satria neo for a kia picanto..hehehehe. silly hor..but that cute little car is gonna be wonderfully thrift to zip around town in..hehe
yep..went to see The Tourist yesterday. was kinda hesitant after reading the not so great review about the movie in the star the day before..
..but..i went anyway, and boy, was i surprised ?!! wow..never seen angelina jolie so sexy in all her movies. so classy, so elegant, so so aristocratic looking..well, i suppose the movie was all very much about her, that i agree, but it was part & parcel of her character, and she played the role so effortlessly, so beautifully, and johnny depp was naturally delightful & funny too.....
to that stupid person who wrote that bad review, please lah, if you wanted all those actions and explosions, you were looking at a different genre. this one exudes european charm, silliness and idiosyncrasies..luckily i did not pay too much attention to your review, otherwise i would have missed my sunday evening with her..!! sometimes i wonder where the press get all these people to write reviews..pffft..!!
you see, intelligent reviewers write like the one below... ____________________________________________________________________
Johnny + Angie = some good old fashioned star power, 13 December 2010 Author: ben_horror from Ireland
Sometimes with the vast amount of special effects extravaganzas, monsters movies and super hero vehicles going around, you can't help but get a bit bored with them after a while. They have a numbing effect the brain and they can get very tedious. As viewers we need a break occasionally. That's why it's always nice just to sit back, relax and watch a straightforward story where good actors do what they're trained for: act. Without a CG creature in sight… And that's exactly what we get here: two good actors having a great time with a slight, though still extremely entertaining and watchable story.
Johnny plays a lonely guy called Frank who, while on holiday in Europe, is approached on a train by a mysterious and beautiful woman called Elise (Angie – who else). Little does he know, however, he's actually being used by her as a decoy to shift police attention from her lover - a financial 'whizz-kid' who ripped off a scummy criminal and now owes the British government over 700 million euros in taxable funds. In a case of mistaken identity, the angry criminals assume Frank to be her thieving lover and he ends up being plunged into a whole web of intrigue, pursued by both the cops and the robbers. At the same time, he's trying to battle his own increasing infatuation with the enigmatic Elise, who keeps ditching him at every turn, but who - in the grand tradition of romps such as this - keeps ending up being thrown into dire situations with him, despite her best efforts.
This is a rather sophisticated and old-fashioned movie and its all the better for it. It would be easy to imagine this being made in 60s with Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn starring in the lead roles. As Frank, Johnny Depp - who really does look about ten years younger than his actual age - once again shows us why he's one of the best out there. It's easy to imagine George Clooney – surely the aforementioned Grant's heir - playing this role, but Depp is more effective and brings a more earthy quality, able to play both plain and debonair at the drop of a hat.
Similarly, Angelina Jolie is convincing as the conflicted mystery woman Elise, and puts in a nice understated performance while at the same time never looking better. The chemistry between them flows off the screen. In fact the interplay between them for the first 40 minutes is absolutely brilliant. You know something is good when simply the sight of two people conversing is keeping you entertained.
It's a jet setter of a story, mixing a bit of James Bond with a dozen mistaken identity movies. It's lightly Hitchcockian, but in a good way, though it probably wouldn't have been as effective had it had been set completely in the United States. As with the Bourne movies, the European locales prevent it from being just another run-of-the-mill thriller while adding something romantic and unique to it. The photography is gorgeous and the film itself ends up being a good advert for European tourism as all the locations come off looking magnificent.
The story moves along fast and there's plenty of engaging action sequences, the stand out being one involving boats. The supporting cast is good, though Paul Bettany has a somewhat thankless role that requires him to do little more than be grumpy while at the same time barking down a microphone at every available occasion. But it is good to see Timothy Dalton (the best Bond bar none) in an acting role again. Even if it only ranks as an extended cameo, he dominates the screen whenever he's on. Somewhat appropriately, he's even in the position his boss 'M' was in his own Bond movies - a guy who sits behind a desk handing out the missions and giving all the orders rather than taking them. It's almost like James Bond has been promoted to top dog!
There's also another Bond connection (are all these intentional?) in another supporting player Steven Berkoff, who played a slimy Russian general in 1983's Octopussy. Here he plays a similarly depraved and ruthless criminal who's actually British, but surrounds himself with a pack of Russian heavies. He also has the most sadistic scene in a movie that can't really be classed as being overly violent.
Even if it's not the kind of dark Euro thriller you might be expecting, this is still a very entertaining movie that will keep you hooked all the way. It's got everything: action, suspense, comedy and romance. And even if that's not enough for you, certainly the interplay between Depp and Jolie will be. They're really effective in this and display the kind of chemistry we haven't seen since the heyday of the movies, the most recent example probably being Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner. Based on this, hopefully they'll work together again sometime in the near future.
Yes, it's all very old-fashioned stuff and you will feel like you're caught in a time warp to the 60s. It's also a bit lightweight and fluffy, but you know what? When you have a cast this good, just go with it. I enjoyed very minute of it. And if you give it a chance, you will too.
the choice of the venue was given to one of my staff, who like me, also get quite easily conned by beautiful food pictures displayed in advertisements..haha
she chose..the manhattan fish market..
not bad actually except the signature dish for the season didn't quite come out as expected..
this fella seemed to enjoy setting fire to our dish ---------------------------------->
as advertised
and what we got.. the crab claws somehow lost their taste as they journeyed from alaska to our table & i could have sworn we got only half the claws compared to what's shown..hmmm., in any case they were totally flat, and at rm85.90 for that platter, was rather over-priced for flat-tasting crab claws .. so maybe ratings about 2/5 (for those claws)
my quad platter. nothing exceptionally unusual. tasted like fried stuffs..ratings 3/5 (the garlic butter sauce used to be richer i remember..hmmm, maybe they ran out and had to add water to it.. :OP)
this was probably the most tasteful dish of the lot. The shrimp spaghetti olio/pasta whatever ...nice..very nice..
i would give it 5/5
and of course their "chiew-phai" standard. the ever reliable fish & chips.. this one about 4/5
and finally, my appetiser that came last..hmm. i thought appetisers should come first one..anyway, this one was supposed to be country fried mushrooms. they used to use whole button mushrooms, but now they are cut up in bits and pieces and then fried in batter. times are bad i guess..this one got 2/5
so, in conclusion, the food was more or less expected, with the exception of the shrimp pasta which i thought was extraordinarily nice. i was however somewhat disappointed with the sauce accompaniments. tasted to me like watered-down versions of the original mfm sauces..especially, the garlic butter sauce..
it looked like i ate enough fried stuffs to last me the whole year. next year, it's gonna be steam-boat !! wheeeeeeeeee...... :O)
total bill came to about rm200 for 6 persons..hmm, wonder what food we would have gotten elsewhere for that money..