..so this was our annual dinner..
the choice of the venue was given to one of my staff, who like me, also get quite easily conned by beautiful food pictures displayed in advertisements..haha
she chose..the manhattan fish market..
not bad actually except the signature dish for the season didn't quite come out as expected..
this fella seemed to enjoy setting fire to our dish

as advertised
and what we got.. the crab claws somehow lost their taste as they journeyed from alaska to our table & i could have sworn we got only half the claws compared to what's shown..hmmm., in any case they were totally flat, and at rm85.90 for that platter, was rather over-priced for flat-tasting crab claws .. so maybe ratings about 2/5 (for those claws)

my quad platter. nothing exceptionally unusual. tasted like fried stuffs..ratings 3/5 (the garlic butter sauce used to be richer i remember..hmmm, maybe they ran out and had to add water to it.. :OP)

this was probably the most tasteful dish of the lot. The shrimp spaghetti olio/pasta whatever ...nice..very nice..
i would give it 5/5
and of course their "chiew-phai" standard. the ever reliable fish & chips..
this one about 4/5
and finally, my appetiser that came last..hmm. i thought appetisers should come first one..anyway, this one was supposed to be country fried mushrooms. they used to use whole button mushrooms, but now they are cut up in bits and pieces and then fried in batter. times are bad i guess..this one got 2/5
so, in conclusion, the food was more or less expected, with the exception of the shrimp pasta which i thought was extraordinarily nice. i was however somewhat disappointed with the sauce accompaniments. tasted to me like watered-down versions of the original mfm sauces..especially, the garlic butter sauce..
it looked like i ate enough fried stuffs to last me the whole year. next year, it's gonna be steam-boat !! wheeeeeeeeee...... :O)
total bill came to about rm200 for 6 persons..hmm, wonder what food we would have gotten elsewhere for that money..
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