again, a big party. wah liao, it seems like it's party all the time there many people, both dead and alive..looked like a disco party and dad was taking centre stage this time, strutting like travolta..
then it appeared that we were all stuck inside a cave, just like the wild dancing scene in matrix revolutions..and then all of a sudden, everyone was running to get out of the cave, like an escape to somewhere...a light coming through a small opening in the far wall, big enough to squeeze through. but as we appeared one by one into the light, i could see that those who were not of the "flesh" just erupted spontaneously into flames and ashes flew & drifted into the light...then i woke up in the middle of the night sweating like a naked pig in a freezing i decided to sleep with the light on thereafter..and woke up this morning feeling totally exhausted..
all this has to mean something..why is it always a gathering of some sort? always like a party..and always, a mixture of people, dead & alive..but nobody talks..why? what's the message?? why the similar scene again and again..
on a more fun note..i just traded-in my satria neo for a kia picanto..hehehehe. silly hor..but that cute little car is gonna be wonderfully thrift to zip around town in..hehe
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