so funny...(no offense to all pole dancers out there..), it's just my brain tickling away at the sight of me doing pole dancing...the spectators (if any..) would be wondering where the pole is as i wrap myself round it..hahaha and if that is not enough to show off my prowess, they would have to use all their brawn (from the pics, i see the spectators are mostly male..that explains the popularity of this spectator sport) to help unwrap me from the metal pole at the end of it...hehehehe..but eeewwww...i can imagine the pain from the steel bar as i wrap my legs around it, maybe even hear some nut-crunching sounds with the beat of the music...ouch!!.and those viewing fellas would be crossing and squeezing their legs unconsciously to keep the gulis's why all the contestants are only female..
ok nvm..this is just a short silly post to get this lazy saturday going and keep a naughty smile on my face for today...hehe
p/s: for the record, i'm actually not fat at all but getting even more fit lately, tall, not so dark and very handsome too..and pigs do fly..
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