now i am in a dilemma..
just got a call from the embassy of "The Republic of Banana" asking me for payment for my PR application. so..should I proceed or just let it slip...? if i proceed, i have to move there wor..they no give PR for part-time residents how? i cant have my cake and eat it later wor...
it's tempting i know..but it's a lot of sacrifice got no char koay teow, no nasi lemak, no curry mee, no orr-chien, no popiah, no hokkien mee, no goreng pisang or keropok lekor, no chicken rice, no char hor fun...but got plenty of unknowns like new people, new cities with new neighbourhoods and new neighbours, new food, new weather, new government, new friends to make, everything new new new...
so..should i stick to bolehland or move to this banana republic?..someone please tell me...
follow your heart man :) what rocks your boat and makes you happy.
errr...problem is, i dunno where my heart is..but nvm, i'm happy happy all the time..
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