..seemed like all my ancestors were out having a barbeque session with me..(phew..at least they were not barbequeing me for dinner..) sitting there "entertaining" me..all i could remember was seeing my father's parents and my mother's parents and i suppose the rest were their parents and their parents' parents..wah liao eh the whole jing gang was there!! was that some sort of home-coming for me ah? damn..i'm getting a wee bit nauseated by these dreams..i woke up in the middle of the night and realised that my body was freezing cold, the comforter had uncovered me completely when i tossed and turned in fear i suppose..eh!! and i thought ghosts are usually scared of naked people one?, guess not...haha
..or maybe it's becoz when i read of mj's passing, the picture from the thriller video came to my mind all day yesterday, so much so that these fellas decided to do a real show for me in my dream last night..
should have spent more time reading about farrah's story instead..
i think they are welcomng you. Don't forget to write my name to get your tresure. lol.
you so fat, i am sure they prefer to barbeque you..can make "siu too bak"...haha
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