Sunday, June 29, 2008

wei.....where got people so stupid one?

can anything get any more disgusting than this? this is really the much more unoriginal can we get?? this is so so unimaginative...very obviously a simple basic tit for tat..but one would have expected something more ingenuous..

it boggles me to think that anyone would even believe a single word of it..

please lah people. are we not enough of a joke to the world already??

so so stupid..

if only i could zap all these people away..

well..if i may say so..the jury is out there and the verdict so far is rather unanimously seems the circus has never really left town and the joke's actually on the joker..

see this, and this, and then this...

but at least this took away a little bit of all these Sorry State of Scenarios a bit to let me have a good night's sleep..

and hopefully i wake up to a brand new dawn..

Saturday, June 28, 2008

very fast leh...

just got me a spanking new CPU..and wow..what a revelation. no more having to make a cup of coffee while waiting for a page on the internet to open. amazing this technology..

music and video downloads are now a breeze too..wah the next thing to do is to get me old car up to speed too..need to turbo charge it, like everything else in my life..oh, i forgot, that would mean burning more petrol. okie..have to stick with speeding on my computer for now..

otherwise, everything else outside in the real world is still a complete mess..

fighting..fighting..fighting..while the rest of us go on suffering..suffering..suffering..

this is really getting a bit obnoxious .. (but i must say the toilet plunger pic is rather comical though..hehehe)

Monday, June 23, 2008


i thought the tsunami was already unbelievable..but this...

cham liao..

meantime, do try to enjoy this music video featuring....park hyo shin (titled.."because i am a common man", so haunting, and so sad...don't you agree?)..just might help soothe some frayed nerves..then again, maybe not..

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


12:00 hours

is that a massive storm approaching? the tidal wave and the tsunami that we have been half expecting?

oh dear..what do we do? where to hide? should we even hide? maybe we should all rush out and embrace this belated storm instead..

but whatever it is, we are all gonna get really swept up and it's gonna be a wet wet time ahead..woo hoo..time to change into my scuba gear..

19:20 hours same day

damn..the storm fizzled out on me again..what a bummer...

the so unpredictable..

another lazy day..

sure does look like's raining outside and things are looking kinda quiet today..

so, i may as well tell you about this very strange but fascinating dream i had last night. i had this weird sensation that i was floating around in a very very beautiful place and i felt really peaceful. and i remember vividly at that moment that i should really try to recall every single moment when i wake up so that i could blog about it. but as always, it just goes away and leaves me with just a fleeting sensation of attachment to the episode. i thought it was my dad who pulled me onto this mystical plane but i could not be sure. it did look a bit like him but a very very young version and he was smiling as he extended his hand to me. i wasn't alone though. i had a few friends with me too and all of us were just so fascinated with this free-floating sensation. there was a glow about us too as we glided around. in fact, if i recall correctly, the place was just really glowing and bright but without hurting the eyes. and the most wonderful feeling at that moment was that of absolute bliss..

i woke up not wanting to wake up, if you know what i mean and for a very long time after i opened my eyes, i felt it was probably the most peaceful and rested sleep i have had and i sure hope i do get this same dream every night.

just kind of makes me wonder if i had just gone astral traveling or was it a glimpse of life in the there-before or hereafter but one thing's for sure, i just have this gut feeling that there's more to our physical and material earthly lives as we know them..

Monday, June 16, 2008

green green grass..

of home..? got such thing one meh?

i'm beginning to wonder if there is really a greener piece of pasture across the seas, so discovered by many already but as yet failed to convince me to trot over and have a taste of it myself, not that i have never experienced life in a different land..and i have had many many such experiences in the past..

lately, in as many days as there are in a week, i have heard of people just packing up and leave. letting go of their businesses lock, stock and barrel, uprooting their families and just... leave. is it really that good over there? or is everyone just having some sort of herd mentality or maybe unknowingly exaggerating some obscure fear factor in their lives to make that move..u know as in.. cognitive dissonance (is that correct?). make-believe so real that it becomes "real"..

so, if i'm to take this objectively, i guess i would have to really list out all the pros and cons of finding the real benefits of taking this physical body here goes:

1. New environment, New lifestyle, New friends, New car, New job, New diet
2. Freedom of expression
3. More money
4. More opportunities
5. Less discrimination

1. New environment, New lifestyle, New friends, New car, New job, New diet ??
2. Freedom of expression?
3. More money?
4. More opportunities?
5. Less discrimination?

there.. got it out of my system, for now..

having said that, i just might find my own little pot of gold some where over the rainbow one day..

watch this wonderful music video..Israel Kamakawiwo'ole ~ Somewhere over the Rainbow

Friday, June 13, 2008

should i be celebrating...?

woo..hoo...if the information correct, it just perked up my weekend..haha

cash rebate for car owners (the Sun June 12th, 2008)

got 3 cars to my name, using only one most of the time with the other two parked in my porch..and that means i got rm 1875 coming my way..maybe i should just go out and buy two more pieces of junk..

funny isn't it? for some reason, i am not exactly rejoicing (to be honest)..just trying to make sense of it all..hmm

meanwhile...i am so inspired by this personality..

read here..


view here

and then here

me so stupid...

if you just recently visited my blog, you would have noticed the audio-visual enhancements that i have just added. nice isn't it? now i can say i also have all the necessary whistles and bells to catch one's attention..haha. ( i had to do it after having been told by a friend that he visits my blog when he suffers the occasional insomnia coz all the words will surely put him immediately to sleep.)

but seriously, it was so so painful to learn how to put these add-ons into my blog (a friend was on the verge of pulling off all his hair tutoring me over the internet) and i wonder if i can remember all the steps to do them again. so if the audio and the visual enhancements don't change for some time, you can safely assume that i have forgotten the steps..haha

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


hmm..i thought this article was rather interesting and the argument convincing..."Blog No 661 ~~~ What tank?"

now..why was i even convinced earlier that i was doing my bit for the country by sacrificing the subsidy thingy..?

duh...think me needs to go listen to the link below again and again and again:


damn..this is getting really stressful..but i kinda like the beat of the rhythm catchy..

Monday, June 9, 2008


just found this anti-virus software that provides extensive malware recognition of viruses, trojans, backdoor programs, worms, etc..and best of's FREE !! and available at the following links:

avira antivirus


avg free

i found them real easy to use and they provide real time guarding against all the nasty stuffs out there..but do only install one of them as running both at the same time may slow down the speed of your computer.

if only everything else in life was as good as this...and wouldn't it be nice if we could use something like this to clean everything else in life too..if you know what i mean..

Thursday, June 5, 2008

first you said august, then you went ahead yesterday. last time you said not so soon, but you did it anyway. you told me you would never do anything to make my life difficult and i believed you thoroughly, then you turned around and gave me a hard life just the same.. question is...are you really inconsistent, indecisive or just plain taking me for a ride? maybe you are just weak and are being taken advantage of by your friends but hey, who said it was gonna be easy sitting on my chair? but you need to show me that you truly care for my well being..and not just whisper sweet nothings in my ear, cause they have already turned sour many many moons ago, and i'm still digging out your saliva.

it's really getting extremely embarrassing with all these double speak, don't you agree..?? and all our neighbors are laughing at your silly incompetencies, every single day since you showed up in my life four years ago.

perhaps you are really wanting me to show you out the door, slammed it in your face and never allow you back in again..EVER..

do watch this music video by the Thompson Twins..

Tuesday, June 3, 2008 keng chau ah..

wah liau eh...nowadays kids are so advanced...don't know what to say..sometimes i wonder if we should just forget all those pretenses about how great our eastern values are, how strict our religious morals are and just maybe pay a bit more attention to our young..or have we lost them altogether..

or could it be that we ourselves were also guilty of some of these misadventures, albeit in milder forms, when we were young that such activities do not really bring any element of surprise to us..or could this just be a reflection of our obsession with our earthly for thought ya?..

FOR only RM5, a teenager gets to experience sex with his schoolmates. This was the shocking revelation recorded by counsellors who organised a youth camp for problematic secondary school students in Selangor recently.

In a front-page report in Metro Ahad, a 14-year-old student known as Andy admitted to paying RM5 'for a round of sex' with a senior at school. He said they would either 'do it' at his or her home.

He said both sets of parents were unaware of the activities as they thought the two were studying together and confessed that one of his friends would sometimes join them for a 'threesome'.

'I prefer to have group sex,' said the teenager, without any embarrassment.

He added: 'If I need sex, I only have to call or send her an SMS for an appointment.

'It all started when I began watching pornographic clips with my friend two years ago. Since then, my desire for sex had grown and when I knew that this girl in school did not mind doing it for a fee, I decided to try it with her.'

Another participant at the camp said she suffered from sex addiction after she was raped by her foster brother when she was 12.

The 14-year-old teenager, who wanted to be known only as Anita, said that she often had sex with her classmates and seniors.

'Last year, I had sex three times with two seniors from school. I wasn't afraid and I didn't care. What was important was that I enjoyed it and felt satisfied,' she said.

The last time she had sex was last month, when she had group sex with her friends.

Camp organising committee secretary Mahezan Baharom said the counsellors were shocked with how 'frank and candid' the students were about their sexual activities.

He said that apart from sex, the participants - aged between 13 and 15 - admitted to masturbating in a group, having multiple sex partners, consuming alcohol, glue sniffing, theft and smoking.

'Students who are involved in social ills or misfits do not only come from poor families,' he said.

'We have participants whose parents are well-to-do, VIPs and those whose mothers and fathers are religious people.'


do read the following comment by a reader to the above article posted in MT..i couldn't agree more..

written by Dog Sick, June 03, 2008 | 12:13:44

Shocking, yes. Immoral, perhaps. Illegal, I don't think so. In this new age and time where information travels at the blink of an idea (thank Najib for that phrase), we should realize that the children of today grow up much faster than during our time.

What is required is proper sex education among the youth. And this should not be an abstinence course (which has been proven not to work in the US). This should not also not be a religious course (where the Vatican still ban contraceptives until today). Neither should it be a moral course (what is morally wrong about doing the only thing that nature had created you for?).

The education should stress on the science and the psychology of sex. Participants should know that it has implications that reaches far beyond its fleeting orgasmic euphoria. Teens should be taught that it is a powerful force of nature and we respond not only physically but also psychologically to sex. They should also learn about the implications of sexual diseases and what they can do to prevent them.

Be honest here, how many of us have never experimented when we had raging hormones coursing through our veins when we were teenagers? From that experience, some of us had developed a greater understanding of its effects while others are still using their privates for brains.

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